Calochortus striatus Parish
Family: Liliaceae
Alkali Mariposa-Lily
Calochortus striatus image
Gerald and Buff Corsi  

Plants not bulbose. Stems 1-5 cm. Leaves: basal withering, 1-2 dm; blade linear. Inflorescences subumbellate, 1-5-flowered; bracts linear, 1-3 cm. Flowers erect; perianth open, campanulate, narrow at base; sepals lanceolate, 1-2 cm, apex acuminate; petals white to lavender, with conspicuous purple striping, obovate to cuneate, rounded, 2-3 cm, sparsely hairy around gland, margins irregularly dentate distally; glands oblong, not depressed, covered with linear hairs; filaments 5-7 mm; anthers oblong, 4-6 mm. Capsules erect, linear, angled, 4-5 cm. Seeds light-colored, flat.

Flowering mid spring--early summer. Alkaline meadows, springy places in creosote bush scrub; of conservation concern; 300--1400 m; Calif., Nev.

Calochortus striatus image
Gerald and Buff Corsi  
Calochortus striatus image
Gerald and Buff Corsi  
Calochortus striatus image
Steven Thorsted  
Calochortus striatus image
Steven Thorsted  
Calochortus striatus image
Steven Thorsted  
Calochortus striatus image
Steven Thorsted  
Calochortus striatus image
Gary A. Monroe  
Calochortus striatus image
Gary A. Monroe  
Calochortus striatus image
Gary A. Monroe  
Calochortus striatus image
Gary A. Monroe