Calochortus westonii Eastw.
Family: Liliaceae
Shirley Meadows Mariposa-Lily
[Calochortus caeruleus var. westonii (Eastw.) Ownbey, orth.,  more...]
Calochortus westonii image
Gary A. Monroe  

Stems slender and delicate, not branching, 3-15 cm. Leaves: basal persistent, 1-2 dm; blade linear, flat. Inflorescences 1-12-flowered. Flowers erect to spreading; perianth open, campanulate; sepals ca. 10 mm; petals white to light blue, lanceolate, 8-12 mm, ciliate only on margins, adaxial surface hairy only distal to gland, apex acute; glands slightly depressed, bordered proximally by ciliate membrane, distally by short hairs; anther apex acute to acuminate. Capsules nodding, angled, 1-2 cm, apex acute. Seeds irregular.

Flowering late spring. Open places in woods, meadows; of conservation concern; 1500--2000 m; Calif.

Calochortus westonii is known from the Greenhorn Mountains, Kern and Tulare counties.

Calochortus westonii image
Gary A. Monroe  
Calochortus westonii image
Gary A. Monroe  
Calochortus westonii image
Gary A. Monroe  
Calochortus westonii image
Gary A. Monroe