Carex viridula subsp. brachyrrhyncha (Celak.) B. Schmid
Family: Cyperaceae
not available

Culms 2-4.5 cm. Leaves of flowering stems thickened, recurved, shorter to equaling culms, to 3 cm × 1.6-3.5 mm ligules of distal cauline leaves usually obsolete. Inflorescences: proximal pistillate spikes 1-3, contiguous or slightly separate, globose or elliptic, 4-5.5 mm wide; terminal staminate spikes short- or long-pedunculate, 5.1-6.1 × 1.6-2.1 mm. Perigynia dark green to yellowish green, 2.3-2.8 × 1.3-1.5 mm, apex abruptly narrowed into a scabrous or smooth, reflexed beak; beak 0.4-2.1 mm, forming an angle of 5-28° with body. Achenes 1.2-1.4 × 0.9-1 mm.