Leucanthemum lacustre (Brot.) Samp. (redirected from: Chrysanthemum lacustre)
Family: Asteraceae
[Chrysanthemum lacustre Brot.]
not available

Perennials, 30-120(-200+) cm. Stems simple or distally branched. Basal leaves: petioles 30-60+ mm, expanding into lanceolate blades 50-100+ × 15-30+ mm, margins not lobed, usually toothed, sometimes entire. Cauline leaves ± petiolate or sessile; blades elliptic to oblanceolate, 30-120+ × 12-25(-35+) mm, margins of mid-stem leaves usually entire proximally, regularly serrate distally. Involucres (18-)25-35 mm diam. Phyllaries (the larger) 3-5 mm wide. Ray florets 21-34+; laminae 20-25(-35) mm. Ray cypselae 3-4 mm, apices usually auriculate adaxially. 2n = 198.

Flowering spring-summer. Disturbed places, meadows, seeps, clearings; 0-50 m; introduced; Calif.; Europe (Portugal).

More robust and leafy stemmed than no. 1 [Chrysanthemum leucanthemum L.], with closely and sharply serrate, not at all pinnatifid lvs, the stem in well developed plants few-branched above, the heads averaging a bit larger, the disk to 2.5 cm wide; basal lvs wanting or inconspicuous; lower cauline lvs narrowed to a petiolar base but mostly soon deciduous; middle cauline lvs well developed, elliptic or elliptic- oblanceolate, commonly 6-11 נ1.5-3 cm, tending to clasp at base; 2n=18. Native to sw. Europe, occasionally escaped from cult. into fields and moist, low ground in our range. June-Aug. (Leucanthemum l.)

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

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