Cleomella hillmanii var. goodrichii (S.L.Welsh) P.K.Holmgren (redirected from: Cleomella macbrideana)
Family: Cleomaceae
[Cleomella macbrideana Payson,  more...]
not available

Pedicels 4.5-8.5(-10) mm in fruit; gynophore 3.5-6.5 mm in fruit (about as long as capsule). Capsules (5-)6.5-10.5 mm diam. 2n = 34.

Flowering spring. Dry open usually alkaline meadows and flats; 800-1900 m; Idaho, Utah.

Following P. K. Holmgren and A. Cronquist (2005), Cleomella macbrideana is treated as a synonym of var. goodrichii. That entity is disjunct from the main body of the species range; its closest morphological match is with this variety.