Coreopsis rosea Nutt.
Family: Asteraceae
Pink Tickseed
not available

Perennials, 10-30(-60) cm. Internodes (± mid stem) 1-4(-5+) cm. Leaves mostly cauline; opposite; petioles 0-1 mm, ciliate or not; blades lance-linear to linear or filiform, 20-45(-60) × 1-2(-3+) mm, rarely with 1-2 lateral lobes. Peduncles 2-4(-6+) cm. Calyculi of oblong to linear bractlets 1.5-2+ mm. Phyllaries deltate-ovate, 4.5-5.5 mm. Ray laminae pinkish to white, 9-15+ mm. Disc florets 40-60+; corollas ochroleucous to yellow, 2.5-3 mm. Cypselae narrowly oblong, 1.3-1.8 mm, not winged; pappi 0. 2n = 26.

Flowering Aug-Sep. Sandy shores, marsh edges, etc.; 0-50 m; N.S.; Del., Mass., N.J., Pa., R.I., S.C.

Glabrous, rhizomatous perennial 2-6 dm; lvs 2-5 cm, linear, ±entire or occasionally some irregularly lobed; heads rather short-pedunculate, the yellow disk 5-10 mm wide; outer invol bracts short, eventually spreading; rays pink (white), ca 1 cm; receptacular bracts linear, acute to obtuse; disk-cors 4-toothed; style appendages short and blunt; achenes narrow, wingless, ca 2 mm; pappus a minute cup, or nearly obsolete; 2n=26. Wet, often sandy or acid soil, or in shallow water; N.S. and Mass. to Ga., mainly on the coastal plain. Aug., Sept.

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

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