Crinum asiaticum Roxb. (redirected from: Crinum amabile)
Family: Amaryllidaceae
[Crinum amabile Ker Gawl. [excluded]]
Crinum asiaticum image
Drew Avery  

Bulbs 25 cm or more × 10-12 cm. Leaves numerous, 10 dm or more × 7.5-12 cm; blade ensiform, gradually tapering to apex. Scape stout, 2-edged. Umbels 20-100-flowered. Flowers: perianth white, salverform, tube 3-7.5 cm, limb lobes linear, 7.5 × 1-1.5 cm; pedicel 1-2 cm. Capsules to 5 cm diam., beak long.

Flowering summer--fall. Wet areas; 0--100 m; introduced; Fla., La.; tropical Asia.

Crinum asiaticum is a robust and highly variable species that is distinguished by its very broad leaves. The bulb is reputed to be poisonous.

Crinum asiaticum image
Drew Avery  
Crinum asiaticum image
Drew Avery  
Crinum asiaticum image
Arthur Chapman  
Crinum asiaticum image
Arthur Chapman  
Crinum asiaticum image
Arthur Chapman  
Crinum asiaticum image
Arthur Chapman