Delphinium hesperium A. Gray
Family: Ranunculaceae
Foothill Larkspur
not available

Stems (11-)40-80(-120) cm; base usually reddish, longitudinally ridged, puberulent. Leaves mostly cauline; basal leaves 0-3 at anthesis; cauline leaves 3-8 at anthesis; petiole 0.5-7 cm, petioles of proximal leaves glabrous to puberulent. Leaf blade round to pentagonal, 1-4 × 2-6 cm, usually puberulent, especially abaxially; ultimate lobes 3-14, width 3-8 mm (basal), 2-5 mm (cauline). Inflorescences (5-)15-30(-100)-flowered, moderately open; pedicel (0.5-)1-2.5(-7.5) cm, puberulent; bracteoles 2-6(-12) mm from flowers, green to blue, margins often white, linear-lanceolate, 3-7(-12) mm, puberulent. Flowers: sepals dark blue to white, puberulent, lateral sepals spreading, 7-13(-16) × 3-10 mm, spurs straight to upcurved, ascending 30-45° above horizontal, 9-18 mm; lower petal blades slightly elevated, ± exposing stamens, 3-8 mm, clefts 1-5 mm; hairs centered, denser on inner lobes near base of cleft, white. Fruits 8-18 mm, 2.2-3(-4.2) times longer than wide, sparse puberulent. Seeds not echinate, appearing ± smooth to naked eye; seed coat cells with margins straight, surfaces smooth or roughened.

Delphinium hesperium is thought to be poisonous to cattle (D. E. Moerman 1986, no subspecies specified). It is often confused with D . hansenii . See discussion under that species for distinguishing features.