Cryptantha flavoculata (A. Nels.) Payson (redirected from: Oreocarya flavoculata)
Family: Boraginaceae
[Oreocarya flavoculata A. Nels.]
Cryptantha flavoculata image

Plant: Perennial 5-35 cm; caudex woody; stem simple, erect; bristles ± soft, spreading

Leaves: 3-11 cm, simple, entire, linear-oblanceolate to spoon-shaped; upper surface and lower surface strigose and with bulbous-based bristles or only silky-strigose; basal whorled; cauline generally opposite below, alternate above

INFLORESCENCE: cymes, dense, cylindric or ± head-like, elongate in fruit

Flowers: sepals free, 5-7 mm, 8-10 mm in fruit, spreading-bristly; corolla generally white, tube 7-12 mm, limb 7-12 mm wide, appendages 5, yellow; anthers included; ovary generally 4-lobed

Fruit: Fruit: nutlets 4, 2.5-4 mm, lanceolate to ± ovate, back rough, groove on inside surface open, narrowed near middle, edges elevated

Misc: Loose soils; 1300-3200 m.; May-Jul