Dudleya blochmaniae subsp. insularis (Moran) Moran
Family: Crassulaceae
not available

Rosette leaves 15-30(-50); blade clavate-oblanceolate, 1-3.5 cm. Inflorescences: floral shoots 3-7 cm; leaves 0.6-1.2 cm; young stems and leaves gray-glaucous. Petals 6-8 mm. 2n = 34.

Flowering late spring. Heavy soil on flats near coast; of conservation concern; ca. 0-100 m; Calif.

Subspecies insularis is endemic to Santa Rosa Island, where it is known only from near Old Ranch Point and is considered seriously threatened (California Native Plant Society, http://cnps.web.aplus.net/cgi-bin/inv/inventory.cgi). It is remarkable for its small size and for the large number of rosette leaves.