Koanophyllon villosum (Sw.) King & H. Rob. (redirected from: Eupatorium villosum)
Family: Asteraceae
[Eupatorium villosum Sw.]
not available

Shrubs, 50-200 cm. Stems densely puberulent to pilose (often minutely gland-dotted). Leaves opposite; petioles 2-8 mm; blades ovate to ovate-deltate or ovate-lanceolate, mostly 2-7(-8) × 1-4 cm, bases truncate to cordate, margins entire or shallowly serrate to crenate, apices obtuse, abaxial faces densely gland-dotted, adaxial sparsely puberulent. Involucres 2.8-3 mm. Phyllaries: outermost elliptic-lanceolate, hispidulous-puberulent, margins herbaceous, mostly eciliate. Corollas white or pinkish white, 2.2-2.6 mm, lobes glandular. Cypselae 1.5-1.8 mm, finely hispidulous-strigose.

Flowering year round, perhaps most abundantly May-Sep. Hammocks, pinelands; 0-10 m; Fla.; West Indies (Bahamas).