Family: Aizoaceae
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Subshrubs [herbs or shrubs], perennial. Roots fibrous. Stems ± prostrate, semiwoody at base, with vesicular, peltate, hairlike scales. Leaves cauline, alternate [opposite], sessile; stipules absent; blade flat, margins entire; earlier leaves larger within 1 growing season. Inflorescences axillary, flowers solitary, sessile; bracts absent. Flowers bisexual, inconspicuous, 2-3 mm diam.; calyx tubular; calyx lobes [4 or]5, white, pink, or yellow, linear, oblong, or lanceolate-oblong; petals and petaloid staminodia absent; nectary glands absent; stamens 10, paired, pairs alternating with calyx lobes; pistil 2-5-carpellate; ovary superior, 2-5-loculed, angled; placentation apical-axile; ovule 1 per locule, with long funicles; styles 2-5; stigmas 2-5. Fruits capsules, 3-5-angled, leathery, apex 3-5-lobed, truncate, dehiscence loculicidal at apex of angles. Seeds 2-5, black, ribbed, triangular to compressed and reniform, 1 mm, shiny, tuberculate; arils absent.

The two species of Galenia introduced in the flora belong to subgenus Kolleria (C. Presl) Frenzl as emended by R. S. Adamson (1956; 21 spp.). Kolleria is characterized by alternate, obovate leaves over 5 mm wide, four or five perianth segments, and four or five styles.

The key below is adapted from A. Prescott (1984).

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