Aureolaria levigata (Raf.) Raf. (redirected from: Gerardia laevigata)
Family: Orobanchaceae
[Agalinis laevigata (Raf.) S.F. Blake,  more...]
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Perennial 0.5-1.5 m; stems usually green, glabrous but not glaucous; lowest lvs lance-ovate, entire or sometimes with a few lobes or teeth; middle and upper lvs lanceolate, entire or sometimes serrate; pedicels stout, straight, suberect, 1-4 mm at anthesis, not much more in fr; cal glabrous, its lobes lance-acuminate, entire; cor 3-3.5 cm, its lobes finely ciliate; fr glabrous, narrowly ovoid, 10-15 mm. Upland woods, chiefly in the mts.; Pa. and w. Md. and s. O. to Ga. July-Sept. (Gerardia l.; Dasistoma l.)

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

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