Lespedeza repens (L.) W. P. C. Barton (redirected from: Hedysarum repens)
Family: Fabaceae
[Hedysarum repens L.,  more...]
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From Flora of Indiana (1940) by Charles C. Deam

Infrequent on the crests and slopes of chestnut oak and post oak ridges in the southern counties. All of my specimens except the one from Gibson County are from the unglaciated region. My Posey County specimen is from the east bank of "Pitcher Lake" about 5 miles northwest of Mt. Vernon. This bank is frequently submerged and this habitat seemingly is very different from that of the hills of the counties to the east.

Stems clustered, trailing or procumbent, to 1 m, finely appressed-hairy to glabrate; petioles shorter than the lfls; lfls mostly 1-2 cm, half as wide, appressed-hairy on both sides or glabrous above; peduncles much exceeding the subtending lvs, bearing a loose raceme of 3-8(-12) purple fls 5-8 mm; cal-lobes 1-2 mm, the upper two largely connate; pet about equal; fr finely appressed-hairy; 2n=20. Dry woods and fields; Conn. to Wis. and Kans., s. to n. Fla. and Tex. June-Sept.

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

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