Heuchera parviflora var. puberula (Mack. & Bush) E.F. Wells (redirected from: Heuchera puberula)
Family: Saxifragaceae
[Heuchera puberula Mack. & Bush]
not available

Leaves: petiole densely short stipitate-glandular; blade sur-faces densely short stipitate-glandular, hairs to 0.6 mm. Hypanthia densely short stipitate-glandular. 2n = 14.

Flowering Jul-Sep. Shaded or north-facing sandstone or limestone ledges or rock undercuts; 200-500 m; Ark., Ind., Ky., Mo.

Variety puberula is uniformly short stipitate-glandular and is mostly restricted to the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas and Missouri, plus sites in central Kentucky and southern Indiana.