Hypericum lobocarpum Gattinger ex J.M. Coult. (redirected from: Hypericum oklahomense)
Family: Hypericaceae
[Hypericum densiflorum var. lobocarpum (Gattinger ex J.M. Coult.) Svens.,  more...]
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Infl a compound dichasium of usually 15 or more fls, with similar dichasia in the upper 2-4 lf-axils, producing a panicle-like aspect; styles (3-)5; fr mostly 5.5-8 mm, deeply sulcate or lobed, quasi- (3-)5-locular; otherwise much tike no. 6 [Hypericum densiflorum Pursh]; 2n=18. Moist bottom-lands and banks of streams and ditches; se. Mo., s. Ill., and w. Tenn. to Miss., La., e. Tex., and se. Okla. June-Aug. (H. densiflorum var. l.)

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

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