Juniperus communis var. montana Aiton (redirected from: Juniperus communis var. alpina)
Family: Cupressaceae
[Juniperus alpina (Sm.) Gray,  more...]
not available

Shrubs spreading to matlike, 0.5--1 m. Leaves upturned or upcurled, to 15 ยด 2 mm, linear-lanceolate, sometimes almost overlapping, glaucous stomatal band on adaxial leaf surface 2 or more times width of each green marginal band, apex acute to obtuse and mucronate. Seed cones 6--9 mm, shorter than leaves. 2 n = 22.

Dry rocky soil and rock crevices on slopes and summits; 0--2500 m; Greenland; B.C.; Calif., Oreg., Wash.

Juniperus communis var. montana is widespread throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Although the proposed var. jackii is quite distinct in the field (prostrate shrub with sparsely branched, whiplike, trailing branches), transplants indicate that the unusual growth form is environmentally induced (Steve Edwards, pers. comm.).