Lobelia boykinii Torr. & A. Gray ex A. DC.
Family: Campanulaceae
Boykin's Lobelia
not available

Glabrous perennial 4-8 dm from a rather short rhizome, simple or sparingly branched, often immersed at base; lvs filiform, 5-20 mm, often deciduous before anthesis; raceme open, 1-2 dm; pedicels slender, spreading, 1-2 cm, exceeding the filiform bracts; bracteoles none; sep loose or spreading, filiform, 4-5 mm; cor 1 cm, blue with a white center, the lower lip bearded at base; fruiting hypanthium subglobose, 3 mm; 2n=14. Ponds and swamps on the coastal plain; N.J. to Fla. Rare. June.

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

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