Lobelia nuttallii Schult.
Family: Campanulaceae
Nuttall's Lobelia
not available

Perennial by short offsets, 2-6 dm, simple or with a few erect branches, ±pubescent below, glabrous or nearly so above; lower lvs narrowly oblanceolate, to 4 cm, the upper smaller, linear, often closely ascending; racemes slender, loose; bracts linear or subulate, 2-5 mm, often with 1-4 callous teeth; pedicels 3-8 mm, bibracteolate at base; sep lance-linear, 2-3 mm; auricles none; cor 1 cm, pale blue with a white center and 2 greenish spots; lower lip glabrous, but the tube sometimes hairy within; fruiting hypanthium subglobose, 3 mm; 2n=14, 28. Sandy swamps on the coastal plain; L.I. to Fla. and Tex., inland in the Appalachian region from s. Ky. southward. July-Sept.

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

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