Osmorhiza berteroi DC. (redirected from: Washingtonia divaricata)
Family: Apiaceae
[Osmorhiza brevipes (Coult. & Rose) Suksdorf,  more...]
Osmorhiza berteroi image

Involucel none; fr 12-22 mm, concavely narrowed toward the summit, the terminal 1-2 mm distinctly set off as a broadly beak-like tip; styles at maturity outcurved, 0.3-1 mm (including the stylopodium, which is conic and commonly as high as or higher than wide); 2n=22. Moist woods; N.S. and s. Que. to Me. and N.H.; Great Lakes reg. from Ont. to n. Wis. and ne. Minn.; widespread in the w. cordillera; Chile and Argentina. June. (O. divaricata; Washingtonia d.)

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

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