Desmodium paniculatum var. paniculatum (L.) Kuntze (redirected from: Meibomia paniculata)
Family: Fabaceae
[Desmodium dichromum Shinners,  more...]
not available
From Flora of Indiana (1940) by Charles C. Deam

This is one of our most common tickclovers and is frequent throughout the state in dry soil in woodland and clearings. It is most commonly associated with oaks in the openings on ridges, on rocky slopes, borders of woodland, and rarely in fallow fields. This species is extremely variable in the width of its leaflets and in the density of its pubescence. Plants will vary from almost glabrous to densely pubescent with both short, hooked hairs and longer ones which are not hooked. Since the forms show no geographic range in the state they are combined on one map. [Variety pubens] is the most vigorous and pubescent form of the species. The range and habitat are those of the [full] species [Desmodium paniculatum].