Najas guadalupensis subsp. muenscheri (R.T. Clausen) Haynes & C.B. Hellquist (redirected from: Najas muenscheri)
Family: Hydrocharitaceae
[Najas guadalupensis var. muenscheri (R.T. Clausen) Haynes,  more...]
not available

Stems 30--90 cm ´ 0.8--1 mm. Leaves 0.9--1.3 cm; sheath 1--1.5 mm wide, apex rounded; blade 0.5--1.6 mm wide, teeth 50--100 per side, invisible to unaided eye, apex acute. Flowers 1 per axil. Staminate flowers 2--3 mm; anther 1-loculed. Pistillate flowers 2.9--4 mm. Seeds 3.3--3.8 ´ 0.5--0.7 mm; aeroleareoles of testa in 50--60 longitudinal rows. Chromosome number unknown not available.

Flowering late summer. Shallow water of rivers; of conservation concern; 0--100 m; N.Y.

Monoecious; stems 3-9 dm, ca 1 mm thick; lvs 1-1.5 mm, spreading, minutely serrulate with 50-100 unicellular teeth per side; anthers monothecal and with a single microsporangium; seeds 3.3-3.8 mm, slender, fusiform-cylindric, with 50-60 rows of minute, rectangular areolae. Abundant on tidal mudflats along the Hudson R. (N. guadalupensis var. m.)

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

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