Parnassia asarifolia Vent.
Family: Celastraceae
Kidney-Leaf Grass-of-Parnassus
not available

Plants 2-4 dm; blades of basal lvs thin and flexible, reniform, 3-5 cm wide, wider than long; cauline lf sessile near the middle of the stem, like the basal but smaller; pet narrowed to a basal claw, 12-18 mm, with 11-15 radiating veins; staminodes white, 7-9 mm, a little shorter than the stamens, 3-parted for 3/5 or 4/5 their length; 2n=32. Streambanks and springy or boggy soil, chiefly in the mts.; Va. and W.Va. to Ga., and w. to Ark. and e. Tex. Aug.-Oct.

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

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