Physaria brassicoides Rydb.
Family: Brassicaceae
Double Bladderpod
not available

Perennials; (somewhat compact); caudex branched, (relatively large); (silvery) pubescent throughout, trichomes (sessile), several-rayed, rays furcate, (slightly umbonate, tuberculate throughout). Stems several from base, decumbent to ascending (arising laterally, unbranched, stout), (0.2-)0.5-1.7 dm. Basal leaves: (petiole somewhat winged); blades orbicular to obovate, 2-6 cm (width 1-2.5 cm, thick), margins usually repand, rarely entire, (adaxial surface scurfy). Cauline leaves: blade oblanceolate to broadly spatulate, 1-2 cm (width 3-5 mm), margins entire, (apex obtuse to subacute). Racemes moderately dense (or elongated). Fruiting pedicels (divergent, straight to somewhat curved or sigmoid), 5-12 mm. Flowers: sepals linear-oblong, 6-8 mm; petals spatulate, 9-12 mm. Fruits (erect), didymous, cordate, moderately inflated, (6-)10-20 × 10-23 mm, (papery, base obtuse or with obscure sinus, apical sinus deep, broad); valves (retaining seeds after dehiscence), densely and loosely pubescent, trichomes spreading; replum linear-oblong, constricted, as wide as or wider than fruit; ovules 4 per ovary; style 4-5(-9) mm. Seeds plump, (broad). 2n = 8, 16.

Flowering May-Jun. Bare hillsides, dry gravel and clay soil, badlands, clay knolls, banks; 900-1400 m; Colo., Mont., Nebr., N.Dak., S.Dak., Wyo.