Potentilla sterilis (L.) Garcke
Family: Rosaceae
Strawberry-Leaf Cinquefoil
[Fragaria sterilis L.,  more...]
not available

Strawberry-like plant with basal trifoliolate lvs and long stolons bearing much smaller lvs; lfls broadly elliptic to obovate, to 5 cm, deeply toothed, the terminal tooth shorter and narrower than the adjacent lateral ones; peduncles 1-3-fld, with bract-like lvs subtending the branches; fls white, 10-15 mm wide; style high-lateral; achene villous at the scar of the style; 2n=28. Native of Eurasia and possibly Nf.; rarely intr. in e. U.S. May.

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

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