Orbexilum onobrychis (Nutt.) Rydb. (redirected from: Psoralea onobrychis)
Family: Fabaceae
[Psoralea onobrychis Nutt.]
Orbexilum onobrychis image
From Flora of Indiana (1940) by Charles C. Deam

Probably frequent to very rare throughout the state except in the extreme northern counties. It is found mostly along roadsides and in alluvial bottoms of streams. It is essentially a prairie plant but is occasionally found in wooded areas and it is a question whether it exists in some places as a relict or is an invader.

Rhizomatous perennial, simple or sparingly branched, erect, to 1.5 m; lfls bright green, lanceolate or lance-ovate, 5-10 cm, half as wide, acuminate, thinly pubescent beneath; stipules and bracts subulate; peduncles nearly equaling the subtending lvs; racemes 3-8 cm; fls blue, varying to white, 6-7 mm; cal minutely pubescent to glabrate, 2-3 mm, slightly oblique, the short, broad lobes subequal; fr ovate, acuminate, 8-10 mm. Open woods and moist prairies; O. and Ky. to Io. and Mo.; also mt. woods, w. Va. to e. Tenn. and w. S.C. June, July. (Psoralea o.)

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

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