Pycnanthemum beadlei (Small) Fernald
Family: Lamiaceae
Beadle's Mountain-Mint
[Koellia beadlei Small]
not available

Stems to 8 dm, simple or sparingly branched, puberulent especially on the angles with downcurved hairs; lvs lance-ovate, serrulate, the larger ones 5-8.5 נ2-3.5 cm, evidently glandular-punctate or atomiferous-glandular on both sides, otherwise subglabrous, the bracteal ones minutely canescent; infls a little loose, many of the branchlets visible in fr; cal 5-7 mm long, only slightly bilabiate, with narrowly deltoid, acuminate teeth, the lower 1-2 mm, the upper a little shorter; cor 5-6 mm; 2n=76. Mts. of sw. Va. (Grayson Co.) to N.C. and S.C.

Gleason, Henry A. & Cronquist, Arthur J. 1991. Manual of vascular plants of northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. lxxv + 910 pp.

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