Salix ovalifolia var. ovalifolia Trautv. (redirected from: Salix unalaschensis)
Family: Salicaceae
[Salix flagellaris Hultén,  more...]
not available

Leaves: petiole 2-7 mm; largest medial blade elliptic, broadly elliptic, or subcircular, 13-28 × 7-18 mm, 1.1-2.2 times as long as wide, base subcordate, cordate, rounded, or convex, apex convex, rounded, or acute, abaxial surface glabrous, pilose, sparsely villous, or long-silky. Catkins: staminate 9.5-21 × 5-10 mm, flowering branchlet 2-7 mm; pistillate stout, subglobose, globose, or slender, 11.5-50 × 6-18 mm, flowering branchlet 3-21 mm. Staminate flowers: abaxial nectary 0.6-1 mm, adaxial nectary 0.6-1.6 mm, nectaries distinct or connate and cup-shaped. Pistillate flowers: abaxial nectary present or absent, adaxial nectary ovate, oblong, or narrowly oblong, 0.5-2 mm, nectaries connate and cup-shaped; stipe 0.2-1.4 mm; ovary glaucous or not, usually glabrous, sometimes pubescent, or villous. Capsules 5.2-6.5 mm.

Flowering early Jun-early Aug. Arctic and subarctic, coastal sandy gravel spits; 0-150 m; N.W.T., Yukon; Alaska; Asia (Chukotka, Russia).