University of Michigan Herbarium (MICH)
Specialty: Worldwide, especially temperate North America and the Great Lakes region. Specific strengths include marine algae of eastern North America, West Indies, Alaska, and Pacific Islands; bryophytes of tropical America; Agaricaceae and Hymenogastraceae of western North America; vascular plants of Mexico, Iran, Himalayas, southwestern Pacific Region, and southeastern Asia; Cyperaceae, Malpighiaceae, and Myrtaceae of the New World.
Date Founded: 1837.
Date Founded: 1837.
Home Page:
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Global Unique Identifier: ---SYMBIOTA-DEV-DB-COLLECTION-GUID---
Live Data Download: Login for access
Digital Metadata: EML File
Usage Rights:
University of Michigan Herbarium
3600 Varsity Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48108-2228
Collection Statistics
- 13 occurrence
- 0 georeferenced
- 13 (100%) with images
- 12 (92%) identified to species
- 2 families
- 6 genera
- 9 species
- 9 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)