Microfungi of North America: Regions

Project Managers:
As perhaps only 5% of the total diversity of fungal species on Earth have been described (Hawksworth D.L. Mycological Research 105:1422-1432), the checklists presented here are likely far from being complete. These checklists, therefore, are works in progress and should be considered contributions toward a more comprehensive accounting of the diversity of macrofungal species within North America.

What is a research checklist?

Research checklists are pre-compiled by biologists. This is a very controlled method for building a species list, which allows for specific occurrences to be linked to the species names within the checklist and thus serve as vouchers. Occurrence vouchers are proof that the species actually occurs in the given area. If there is any doubt, one can inspect these occurrences for verification or annotate the identification when necessary.